Time Out icon Time Out
You deserve a break

Issues with version 2.0 of the Mac App Store edition cause in-app purchases and restoring purchases to fail for some people. Version 2.0.1 is now available, which fixes this. If you bought 2.0 and were affected, contact Dejal for a workaround.

The direct edition from this site is not affected. Downloading this edition is recommended.

About the Release Notes

Want to know what has changed since a previous version? This page lists those changes. You can alter the range of release notes to display if you wish.

The latest release of Time Out is version 2.9.1.

Display from version to version as Including betas

Time Out 2.9.1
(Release 2067): released 2022-09-08; requires macOS 10.15 or later; Ventura compatible
Time Out 2.9
(Release 2066): released 2022-08-30; requires macOS 10.15 or later; Ventura compatible

Added a status message to the breaks in the sidebar

Added the ability to schedule breaks using calendar events

Added an Exclusions option to skip breaks when busy on the calendar

Support for Monterey focus

Added an Advanced option to hide the Pause function

New break options to pause or reset an individual break

But wait, there's more!

Time Out
(Release notes for the Mac App Store:): released ; requires Mac OS